Local and national environmental organizations
Western Pennsylvania
Beyond our region
Western Pennsylvania
3 Rivers Wet Weather Demonstration Program
The 3 Rivers Wet Weather Demonstration Program administers grants to Allegheny County communities
for innovative, cost-effective, watershed-based methods of wet weather sewer overflow elimination
and management.
Alleghenies Watershed Network
Since its inception in 1996, the Alleghenies Watershed Network has acted as a forum for education
about watershed issues and networking among the many entities working on watershed projects in
Pennsylvania. The Network has used its newsletter, Network Notes, its watershed forums, its
annual watershed conference, and its publication, A Watershed Primer for Pennsylvania, to focus
more public attention on the quality and sustainable uses of our rivers.
Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania
The mission of ASWP is to inspire and educate the people of southwestern Pennsylvania to be respectful
and responsible stewards of the natural world. Conservation of our natural resources is part and parcel
of that stewardship.
The Brownfields Center
The Brownfields Center is a Carnegie Mellon/University of Pittsburgh collaboration providing information on the re-use of brownfields.
Carnegie Library Environmental Links
Conservation Consultants, Inc.
Conservation Consultants, Inc. is a regional nonprofit organization that promotes
responsible energy use in homes and other buildings.
French Creek Project
The French Creek Project works with landowners, farmers, business leaders, local government officials,
scientists, conservationists, sportsmen and educators to help preserve French Creek.
Friends of the Riverfront
Friends of the Riverfront is a member-based organization dedicated to improved public access and
appreciation of Pittsburgh riverfronts and the continued expansion of the Three Rivers Heritage Trail.
They work to create trails, parks and continuous access along the three rivers, and partner with communities
and citizens from all over the region to make our resources recognized around the world.
Green Building Alliance
Green Building Alliance (GBA) is a nonprofit organization that works to improve the economic,
social and environmental performance of the Pittsburgh region through the integration of green
building practices into regional development projects.
greenpittsburgh.netSM provides information on southwest Pennsylvania’s environmental,
recreational and cultural assets. The site serves to inspire stewardship of, and increase awareness
and use of, the region’s resources and amenities.
Group Against Smog and Pollution
Group Against Smog and Pollution (GASP) is a nonprofit citizens’ group in southwestern Pennsylvania
working for a healthy, sustainable environment. Founded in 1969, GASP has been a diligent watchdog,
educator, litigator and policymaker on all environmental issues, with a focus on air quality in
the Pittsburgh region.
Nine Mile Run Greenway Project
Nine Mile Run team project goals:
- Establish artists as a creative source for environmental and community change
- Encourage dialogue about complex post-industrial issues utilizing contemporary technologies
- Identify and model sustainable approaches to urban open space development
- Promote bio-diversity and managed succession standards for brownfields reclamation.
Nine Mile Run Watershed Association
Nine Mile Run Watershed Association works to restore and protect the Nine Mile Run watershed through education, advocacy and stewardship.
Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy
The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving, enhancing
and restoring the city’s four great parks—Frick, Highland, Riverview and Schenley—which are more
than 250 acres each.
Rachel Carson Homestead
The mission of the Rachel Carson Homestead Association is to preserve, restore and interpret
Rachel Carson’s birthplace and childhood home, and to design and implement education programs
in keeping with her environmental ethic.
The Riverfront Development Plan
A comprehensive plan for the development of Pittsburgh's three rivers.
Riverlife Task Force
In 1999, the Riverlife Task Force was formed to develop a comprehensive plan for the future of
Pittsburgh’s riverfronts. Made up of citizens, property owners, elected officials, and representatives
of civic and cultural organizations interested in the future of the rivers and riverfronts, the Task
Force’s vision is to create one of the most outstanding waterfronts in the world. In order to achieve this
goal, the organization is working with all stakeholders and the public to dream and realize the full
potential of the rivers and riverfronts.
Sustainable Pittsburgh
The mission of Sustainable Pittsburgh is to affect decision-making in the Pittsburgh region so that it integrates
economic prosperity, social equity and environmental quality. We do so by building diverse coalitions,
developing measurable new indicators as a compass and undertaking key initiatives. In all of our work,
we emphasize long-term and sustained quality of life for all citizens.
What’s in My Watershed?
What's In My Watershed? is a mapping application that provides the user with an easy-to-use
tool for locating their neighborhood and obtaining information about their environment.
What's In My Watershed? provides watershed groups along with the general public a variety of
easily searchable information about where they live. Users can type in their addresses and see
what facilities surround their neighborhood as well as determine if their house is in a flood plain,
or is susceptible to landslides or sinkholes.
Beyond our region
10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania
We are committed to achieving the following objectives:
- Revitalize existing communities and business districts
- Strengthen local, regional and Commonwealth land use planning and consistency of implementation through legislation, education and incentives
- Encourage future development near existing infrastructure
- Reduce traffic congestion, and air and water pollution
- Provide housing for people of all ages and incomes in our communities
- Protect historic, natural, agricultural and recreation areas
- Reduce land and resource consumption
- Conserve fiscal resources
21st Century Environment Commission
The 21st Century Environment Commission will help Pennsylvania set environmental priorities and explore new methods
of achieving its environmental goals in the next century.
Air & Waste Management Association
The Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional
organization that provides training, information, and networking opportunities to more
than 9000 environmental professionals in 65 countries. The Association’s goals are
to strengthen the environmental profession, expand scientific and technological
responses to environmental concerns and assist professionals in critical environmental
decision-making to benefit society.
Amazon Watch
Amazon Watch works with indigenous and environmental organizations in the Amazon Rainforest
Basin to defend the environment and advance indigenous peoples’ rights.
American Farmland Trust
American Farmland Trust is a private, nonprofit organization founded in 1980 to
protect our nation’s farmland. AFT works to stop the loss of productive farmland
and to promote farming practices that lead to a healthy environment.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is the largest conservation organization dedicated solely
to saving the Chesapeake Bay. Our motto, Save the Bay, defines the organization’s mission
and commitment. With headquarters in Annapolis, Md., state offices in Maryland, Virginia
and Pennsylvania, and a varied group of educational centers and programs, CBF works
throughout the Chesapeake’s 64,000-square-mile watershed.
Clean Air Council
Clean Air Council is a member-supported, nonprofit environmental organization
dedicated to protecting everyone’s right to breathe clean air. The Council works
through public education, community advocacy and government oversight to ensure
enforcement of environmental laws.
Clean Air Task Force
Founded in 1996, the Clean Air Task Force (CATF) staff is made up of senior scientists,
economists, MBAs, lawyers and public outreach professionals—headquartered in
Boston but located throughout the United States. Our work is augmented by
collaboration with several nationally recognized technical and economic
consulting organizations such as The Northbridge Group, Environmental and
Energy Analysis, Inc. and MSB Energy Associates.
Clean Water Action
Clean Water Action is a national citizens’ organization working for clean, safe and
affordable water, prevention of health-threatening pollution, creation of environmentally safe
jobs and businesses, and empowerment of people to make democracy work.
Clean Water Action organizes strong grass-roots groups, coalitions and campaigns to protect our environment, health, economic well-being and community quality of life.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Fish and Boat Commission
The mission of the commission is to protect, conserve and enhance all aquatic resources;
to provide for the protection of aquatic resource users; to address the expectations of
anglers and boaters; and to advocate the wise, safe use of Pennsylvania’s aquatic resources.
Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund
The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) was launched in 1995 to provide
free and affordable legal services to grass-roots, community-based environmental groups,
and rural municipal governments. Since 1995, CELDF has provided legal assistance to more than
three hundred organizations in seventeen states, and has assisted more than seventy rural,
local governments in four states.
Defenders of Wildlife
Defenders of Wildlife is dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants
in their natural communities. It focuses its programs on what scientists consider two of
the most serious environmental threats to the planet: the accelerating rate of extinction
of species and the associated loss of biological diversity, and habitat alteration and
destruction. Defenders of Wildlife also advocates new approaches to wildlife conservation
that will help keep species from becoming endangered. Its programs encourage protection of
entire ecosystems and interconnected habitats while protecting predators that serve as
indicator species for ecosystem health.
The Delaware Riverkeeper Network
The Delaware Riverkeeper Network is a nonprofit, membership organization that has
worked since 1988 to strengthen citizen protection of the Delaware River and its
tributary watersheds. An affiliate of the American Littoral Society, a national
conservation group, Riverkeeper works throughout the Delaware’s entire 13,000-square-mile
watershed which includes portions of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Earth Communications Office
Founded in 1998, ECO uses the power of communication to improve the global environment.
Utilizing the skills and talents of members of the entertainment industry, ECO creates
public service campaigns that educate and inspire people around the world to take action
to protect the planet.
Earth Force
Through Earth Force, youth discover and implement lasting solutions to environmental
issues in their community. In the process, they develop lifelong habits of active
citizenship and environmental stewardship. Educators turn to Earth Force for innovative
tools to engage young people in community problem-solving.
With a mandate from indigenous and environmental leaders at the 1992 Earth Summit,
the EcoLogic Development Fund was established to conserve endangered wildlife and
wildlands by working to advance community-based development and resource management:
in partnership with local organizations; in areas where biologically diverse habitats are
most threatened; where poverty is extreme; where financial and technical assistance can
reduce pressure on threatened habitats and foster economic self-reliance.
Energy Star
Energy Star is a government-backed program helping businesses and individuals protect the environment
through superior energy efficiency.
Enterprising Environmental Solutions, Inc.
Enterprising Environmental Solutions, Inc. in the 21st Century is a unique
public-private partnership seeking to implement innovative solutions to
long-standing environmental problems. The purpose of this partnership is to
apply market-based solutions and policy innovations and to demonstrate successful
projects toward achieving lasting environmental benefits and promoting long-term
economic development.
The EnviroLink Network
The EnviroLink Network is a nonprofit organization that has been providing access to thousands
of online environmental resources since 1991.
The Environmental Careers Organization
The Environmental Careers Organization is the country’s leading environmental careers development
organization. Our mission is to protect and enhance the environment through the development of
diverse leaders, the promotion of careers and the inspiration of individual action. ECO accomplishes
this through internships, career advice, career products, research and consulting.
The Environmental Council of the States
The Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) is the national nonprofit, non-partisan
association of state and territorial environmental commissioners.
Environmental Defense
Environmental Defense is dedicated to protecting the environmental rights of all people, including
future generations. Among these rights are clean air and water, healthy and nourishing food, and a
flourishing ecosystem.
Environmental Law Institute
The mission of the Environmental Law Institute is to advance environmental protection by improving law, policy and
management. ELI researches pressing problems, educates professionals and citizens
about the nature of these issues and convenes all sectors in forging effective solutions.
Environmental Organization Web Directory
The Environmental Organization Web Directory is a link to many worldwide environmental organizations arranged by category.
Environmental Support Center
Since 1990, the Environmental Support Center (ESC) has repeatedly helped more than
1,700 local, state and regional organizations working on environmental issues. ESC’s
goal is to improve the environment in the United States by enhancing the health and
well-being of these organizations.
The Environmental Working Group
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a not-for-profit environmental research
organization dedicated to improving public health and protecting the environment by
reducing pollution in air, water and food.
Environmental Yellow Pages
The Environmental Yellow Pages, Inc. (EYP) above all else, strives to provide information on
the very latest education, reference, health, environmental products and professional services
in the environmental industry today. The EYP is a major source of information for consumers and
industry alike, because it not only maintains its network but provides the latest information
for consumers and professionals worldwide.
The Great Lakes Information Network
The Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN) is a partnership that provides one place
online for people to find information relating to the bi-national Great Lakes–St.
Lawrence region of North America.
Green Communities
The goals of the Green Communities program are:
- To promote innovative tools that encourage successful community-based environmental protection and sustainable community development.
- To establish partnerships with other organizations and agencies to help build community capacity and knowledge in order to create more livable communities.
- To provide technical assistance and training through the Assistance Kit, workshops and the network of successful Green Communities throughout the country.
Greenpeace is a nonprofit organization, with a presence in 40 countries across Europe,
the Americas, Asia and the Pacific. As a global organization, Greenpeace focuses on the
most crucial worldwide threats to our planet’s biodiversity and environment.
The H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment
Founded in December 1995 in honor of Senator H. John Heinz III, The Heinz Center is a nonprofit
institution dedicated to improving the scientific and economic foundation for environmental
policy through multisectoral collaboration among industry, government, academia and environmental
Izaak Walton League
The Izaak Walton League is a diverse group of 50,000 men and women dedicated to
protecting our nation’s soil, air, woods, waters and wildlife. Our strength lies
in our grass-roots, common-sense approach to solving local, regional and national
conservation issues. Our interests span the spectrum of outdoor recreation and
conservation activities, from angling and birding to stream monitoring, wildlife
photography and hunting. But we all share one major goal: to protect and use
sustainably America’s rich resources to ensure a high quality of life for all
people, now and in the future.
John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum
The John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum is administered by the Department of Interior’s U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service and is located in Philadelphia and Delaware Counties, Pennsylvania, about
one mile from the Philadelphia International Airport. The refuge was established by an act of Congress
in 1972 to protect the last 200 acres of freshwater tidal marsh in Pennsylvania. When acquisition is
complete, it will consist of 1,200 acres of varied habitats. Over the years, the refuge has become a
resting and feeding area for more than 280 species of birds, 80 of which nest here. Fox, deer, muskrat,
turtles, fish, frogs and a wide variety of wildflowers and plants call the refuge “home.”
League of Conservation Voters
In addition to protecting the environment through electoral action, LCV works every day
to hold Congress and the administration accountable for their decisions through programs
like the National Environmental Scorecard, CongressWatch and Eye on the Administration.
LCV is 40,000 members and growing, each one committed to helping us ensure that our air,
water and open spaces are even better for our descendants than they are for us.
The National Association of Environmental Professionals
The National Association of Environmental Professionals is:
- the multidisciplinary association dedicated to the advancement of the environmental professions in the U.S. and abroad.
- a forum for state-of-the-art information on environmental planning, research and management.
- a network of professional contacts and exchange on information among colleagues in industry, government, academe and the private sector.
- a resource for structured career development from student membership to certification as an environmental professional.
- a strong proponent of ethics in the profession.
National Audubon Society
Audubon’s mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds
and other wildlife for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biological diversity.
Founded in 1905, the National Audubon Society is named for John James Audubon (1785–1851),
famed ornithologist, explorer and wildlife artist.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation conserves healthy populations of fish,
wildlife and plants, on land and in the sea, through creative and respectful partnerships,
sustainable solutions and better education.
National Parks Conservation Association
Since 1919, the National Parks Conservation Association has been the sole voice of
the American people in the fight to safeguard the scenic beauty, wildlife and historical
and cultural treasures of the largest and most diverse park system in the world. Originally
created as a watchdog for the National Park Service, today NPCA partners with the federal
government and numerous national, regional and local groups to act: On the ground,
mobilizing citizens and joining with communities, businesses, landowners and activists
to protect park resources by battling abuse and neglect, educating the public, promoting
local restoration and fostering better management in parks nationwide. In Congress,
promoting parks legislation and lobbying for public funding to meet growing needs. In the
courts, establishing legal safeguards that will protect our national parks for years to come.
The National Registry of Environmental Professionals
The mission of NREP is to promote legal and professional recognition of individuals
possessing education, training and experience as environmental managers, engineers,
technologists, scientists and technicians—and to consolidate that recognition in
one centralized source—so that the public, government, employers and insurers can
justify the importance and acceptance of such individuals to carry out operation and
management of environmental activities.
The National Tribal Environmental Council
The National Tribal Environmental Council was formed in 1991 as a membership organization
dedicated to working with and assisting tribes in the protection and preservation of the
reservation environment. NTEC’s mission is to enhance each tribe’s ability to protect,
preserve and promote the wise management of air, land and water for the benefit of current
and future generations.
National Wildlife Federation
The National Wildlife Federation is the nation’s largest member-supported conservation
group, uniting individuals, organizations, businesses and government to protect wildlife,
wild places and the environment.
The Natural Resources Defense Council
NRDC uses law, science and the support of more than 500,000 members nationwide to
protect the planet’s wildlife and wild places and to ensure a safe and healthy environment
for all living things.
The Natural Step
The mission of The Natural Step is to catalyze systemic change and accelerate the
shift toward sustainability worldwide. The Natural Step is an international organization
that uses a science-based, systems framework to help organizations, individuals and
communities take steps toward sustainability.
The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy has been working since 1951 to preserve the plants, animals and natural
communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters
they need to survive.
North American Association for Environmental Education
The North American Association for Environmental Education promotes a healthy, sustainable
environment through education. NAAEE provides support for environmental education and educators
through a variety of programs and activities.
North American Water Trails
Founded in 1993, the mission of North American Water Trails is to foster the
development, enjoyment and stewardship of recreational water trails. As an
organization, NAWT is a coalition of groups and individuals committed to
supporting access to the United States’ and Canada's wealth of waters,
especially to what we call water trails—small boat and paddling routes
that combine recreation and conservation. Our membership includes volunteer
groups, public interest organizations, government agencies, private companies
and dedicated individuals. Above all, NAWT strives to be an active voice for water
trail organizations as we work to set a precedent for wise trail development and
use across North America.
PennFuture works to create a just future where nature, communities and the economy
thrive. We enforce environmental laws and advocate for the transformation of public
policy, public opinion and the marketplace to restore and protect the environment
and safeguard public health. PennFuture advances effective solutions for the
problems of pollution, sprawl and global warming; mobilizes citizens; crafts
compelling communications; and provides excellent legal services and policy analysis.
Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education
The Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education will promote the environmental
education process as a tool through collaborating with its partners, providing access
to quality resources and services, identifying needs and trends, enhancing and complimenting
the effectiveness of existing programs, and facilitating partnerships.
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Established on July 1, 1995, the agency is charged with maintaining and preserving the
116 state parks; managing the 2.1 million acres of state forest land; providing information
on the state’s ecological and geologic resources; and establishing community conservation
partnerships with grants and technical assistance to benefit rivers, trails, greenways,
local parks and recreation, regional heritage parks, open space and natural areas.
Pennsylvania Environmental Council
Since its founding in 1970, the Council has played an active role in environmental policy
discussions and decision-making in Harrisburg, in both the regulatory and the legislative arenas.
The Council’s advocacy work generally includes commenting on proposed legislation and regulations,
testifying before General Assembly committees and publishing our Legislative Update, which
provides our members and others with clear analyses of issues and the Council’s positions.
Pennsylvania Environmental Network
Pennsylvania Environmental Network (PEN) is a network of grass-roots environmental
groups throughout the state. PEN is an environmental justice organization. These
groups are fighting everything from landfills, incinerators, nuclear dumps and sludge
spreading on farmlands to logging and mining and development battles. PEN is a clearinghouse
for information and technical expertise on organizing and on various issues of interest to
the grass roots. PEN has 15 leadership teams that help citizens network and address important
Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers
POWR is dedicated to the protection, sound management and enhancement of the
Commonwealth’s rivers and watersheds and to the empowerment of local organizations
with the same commitment.
The Pennsylvania Water Resources Education Network
The Pennsylvania Water Resources Education Network (WREN) is a non-partisan, informal
collaboration among organizations and public officials working for the protection and
management of Pennsylvania’s water resources, both surface and ground water, through
education and informed policymaking.
Pinchot Institute For Conservation
The Pinchot Institute For Conservation is a nonprofit natural resource policy,
research and education organization dedicated to leadership in conservation thought,
policy and action. The Pinchot Institute was dedicated in 1963 by President John F.
Kennedy at Grey Towers, the historic home of conservation leader Gifford Pinchot, to
facilitate communication and closer cooperation among resource managers, scientists,
policymakers and the American public. The Institute continues Pinchot’s legacy of
conservation leadership as a center for policy development in support of sustainable
forest management.
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility is a private, nonprofit organization
that protects the government employees who protect our environment. PEER works with and on
behalf of these resource professionals to effect change in the way government agencies
conduct business. PEER promotes environmental ethics and government accountability.
Resources for the Future
RFF is a non-profit and nonpartisan think tank located in Washington, DC that
conducts independent research—rooted primarily in economics and other
social sciences—on environmental and natural resource issues. Founded in
1952, RFF was created at the recommendation of then#8211;CBS Chairman William
Paley, who had just chaired a presidential commission that looked into
whether the United States was becoming overly dependent on foreign sources of
important natural resources. Today, RFF has more than 40 researchers
working on a variety of issues, ranging from climate change to electric
utility restructuring to sustainable forestry.
Riverbend Environmental Education Center
Riverbend is a nonprofit, private organization in Gladwyne, PA, serving since 1974.
A discovery room, classroom, library and offices are housed in a 1923 converted barn
surrounded by 31 acres of open land. The diversity of Riverbend’s habitat provides a
unique setting for educational, hands-on activities designed to establish an awareness
and understanding of the principles upon which our natural world is based.
Rocky Mountain Institute
Rocky Mountain Institute is an entrepreneurial, nonprofit organization that fosters the
efficient and restorative use of resources to create a more secure, prosperous and
life-sustaining world.
Second Nature
Since 1993, Second Nature has been dedicated to accelerating a process of
transformation in higher education. We chose to assist colleges and universities
in their quest to integrate sustainability as a core component of all
education and practice, and to help expand their efforts to make human activity
Sierra Club
The Sierra Club has more than 700,000 members. Our mission statement:
- Explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth.
- Practice and promote the responsible use of the earth’s ecosystems and resources.
- Educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment.
- Use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.
Stonycreek, Conemaugh Rivers Improvement Project
SCRIP is a local effort in Cambria and Somerset Counties, in the Allegheny Mountains
of western Pennsylvania, to restore the Stonycreek and Little Conemaugh Rivers from
over 150 years of coal#8211;mining induced pollution.
Student Environmental Action Coalition
SEAC, pronounced “seek,” is a student- and youth-run national network of progressive
organizations and individuals whose aim is to uproot environmental injustices through
action and education. SEAC defines the environment to include the physical, economic,
political and cultural conditions in which we live. By challenging the power structure
that threatens these environmental conditions, SEAC works to create progressive social
change on both the local and the global levels.
Sustainable Communities Network
The Sustainable Communities Network is for those who want to help make their communities more
livable. Here a broad range of issues are addressed and resources are provided to help make this happen.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s mission is, working with others, to conserve, protect
and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the
American people.
U.S. Green Building Council
The U.S. Green Building Council is the nation’s foremost coalition of leaders from across the building industry
working to promote buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable and healthy places in which
to live and work.
Waterkeeper Alliance
The Waterkeeper Alliance is comprised of more than 85 Waterkeeper programs located
throughout North and Central America, and beyond. The Waterkeeper movement is among
the fastest growing grass-roots environmental movements and quickly is becoming a
unique force for environmental change. It is an environmental “neighborhood watch”
program, a citizen’s patrol to protect communities and the waters they depend on.
The Waterkeeper philosophy is based on the notion that the protection and enjoyment
of a community’s natural resources requires the daily vigilance of its citizens.
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s mission is to enrich the human relationship with
the natural world by saving the places we care about. It accomplishes that by conserving
land, water and life; protecting rural Pennsylvania from sprawl; preserving Fallingwater
as a symbol of human activity in harmony with nature; fostering land stewardship ethics;
and engaging others in cooperative partnerships to promote regional sustainability.
Wildlands Conservancy
Wildlands Conservancy is a nonprofit, member-supported organization dedicated
to land preservation, river preservation, trail development and environmental
stewardship through education. Wildlands Conservancy’s commitment to open space
has resulted in over 31,000 acres of permanently preserved land in eastern Pennsylvania
through acquisition and conservation easements.
Wildlife Habitat Council
Created in 1988, WHC helps large landowners, particularly corporations, manage
their unused lands in an ecologically sensitive manner for the benefit of wildlife.
WHC also works to broaden understanding of wildlife values. Nearly 120 companies are
WHC members, as are two dozen conservation organizations plus many supporters and
contributors. Over 1.2 million acres in 46 states, Puerto Rico and twelve other
countries are managed for wildlife through WHC-assisted projects.
The Woods Hole Research Center
The Woods Hole Research Center addresses the great issues of environment through
scientific research and education and through applications of science in public affairs.
Youth for Environmental Sanity
YES! is a nonprofit organization that educates, inspires and empowers young people to
join forces for social justice and environmental sanity.